Respect one’s self-awareness and ignorance
JavaScript 创建类/对象的几种方式 – LucasYang – 博客园
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swf : calling functions declared via ExternalInterface.addCallback fails · Issue #846 · fancyapps/fancyBox · GitHub
There are two points of failure here : 1 ) the id of the SWF object element is currently set to ‘fancybox-swf’ which contains one of the proscribed characters according to Adobe documentation : excerpt : "Note: When embedding SWF files within an HTML page, make sure that the id attribute is set and…
Font LIcense Guide
Jisc Digital Media | Guide…. Fonts: Basic Guide to Font Licensing Fonts are software for creating and displaying typefaces. As with any software, you need to license font software in order to use it. This document provides a simple guide to font licensing. Unless it’s handwriting, everything you read and write – in print or…
swf : calling functions declared via ExternalInterface.addCallback fails · Issue #846 · fancyapps/fancyBox · GitHub
swf : calling buy viagra acheter cialis online canada pharmacy functions declared via ExternalInterface.addCallback fails · Issue #846 · fancyapps/fancyBox · GitHub.
CSS3 Animations
to implement CSS3 Animations , you need to part: 1 write a Rule 2 assign the Rule in CSS element EX: 1 Write the Rule, they are the same ,but for different browser: /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ @-webkit-keyframes myfirst { 0% {background: red;} 25% {background: yellow;} 50% {background: blue;} 100% {background: green;} } /*…
Adobe Flash Platform * Minimizing CPU usage
Adobe Flash Platform * Minimizing CPU usage.
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